Earlier this week, I described how I recently began to integrate Yoga Tune Up® stretching into my daily routines at work, at home, and on the road. Like many of you, I spend a lot of time sitting and using my cell phone and computer and I often feel the consequences of this in my hands and wrists, neck, and lower back, so I’ll focus my suggestions on these areas of the body.

Lower Back

Whenever I’m sitting for an extended period of time (which is too often), whether in the car, at my desk, or in a meeting, my back is the first thing to start hurting.

Until recently, I didn’t understand how connected the muscles of the side body are to the back. When our deep side-body muscles, especially the quadratus lumborum, are tight, the pain is often concentrated in the lower back.

A great quick-fix for this is Yoga Tune Up’s Boomerang Exercise, a stretch utilizing proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) that can be done practically anywhere there is a wall, pole, support beam, or something to lean against. PNF in a nutshell is when you actively contract a muscle while it is being stretched to “trick” the stretch receptors/sensors into relaxing further.

Wrists and Hands

This next stretch goes out to all of us humans who use our hands a lot… which is pretty much everyone. Whether it’s typing on a keyboard, holding a cell phone, gripping a steering wheel, playing an instrument, or any other use of our highly-mobile phalanges with their opposable thumbs, our tissues of our hands and forearm are often over-worked.

As a result, our wrists are often trapped in a vicious tug-of-war between the many muscles and connective tissues (fascia, tendons, etc) that bridge the gap between the lands of our forearms and hands. Try the Wrist Curl exercise here!

While the solution to this widespread problem is complicated and deserving of its own post entirely, for the purposes of something quick and effective you can do every day, I recommend taking frequent breaks from your hand-activities and practicing the stretches in the video below religiously.

If you’re in a place where you can’t get on your hands and knees to leverage your bodyweight, try these against your desktop or a wall.


Last but not least, the neck. Due largely to our screen-staring lifestyles, our necks are often cocked forward in positions where they carry the load of our 10+ pound human heads with compromised integrity. This overworks and shortens several of the muscles of the front side of the neck, including the small but mighty scalenes.

This exercise is great because it combines massage and stretching in a potent combo move and requires no floor or wall – just your own hands and neck!

Now, it’s important to keep in mind that these exercises are quick fixes are meant to undo the daily accumulation of tension that many of us face. They won’t, however, thoroughly address the underlying structural causes of chronic pain that many experience.

The long-term solution for musculoskeletal imbalances and the problems they cause is to spend extended periods of time practicing sequences that combine not only self-massage and stretching, but also strengthening and corrective exercise techniques to create a more stable and balanced foundation for our bodies. This is why Yoga Tune Up® classes, workshops, and retreats come in. Click here to find one near you!


Enjoyed this article? Read How Do You Sit When You Drive?

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