Welcome back!  In part 1 of this blog, I talked about the peroneus longus/fibularis longus, but there’s another player involved.  It is the peroneus brevis.  From The Core Walking website:  “Both peroneus brevis and peroneus longus are plantar flexors — they step on the gas pedal of a car. And they are both involved in eversion or pronation of the foot—they roll from the outside to the inside. Peroneus brevis aids the successful roll from the outer foot to the inner foot in a good walking step and peroneus longus supports the transverse arch and helps to stabilize the first metatarsal bone against the ground when you push off to walk or run. If these muscles are weak or don’t function correctly the midfoot and the transverse arch will be unstable and unable to provide support to the inner arch of the foot..” Yes, please.  The science makes sense!

I am again reminded that the foundation of our bodies, our feet, is of paramount importance.  What happens here goes all the way up the body.  As a yoga teacher and functional movement educator, I’m on my feet all the time.  They need to be stable and strong.

With very little effort, which I find most people prefer, I was able to make a huge difference and feel so much better.

Below, watch my video explanation of the toerection.  And revisit part 1 of this blog to see the list of other movements I used in addition to the toerection.  Whatever you do, pay attention to your foundation. If your toe hurts or the side of your leg hurts, it doesn’t mean orthodics and/or surgery or medicine.  You are in charge your healing.  Investigate and find out if other options are available for self-care because they usually are.  As my teacher Jill Miller says, “You are a student of your body.”  Read her blogs.  She is the creator of Yoga Tune Up®.  You won’t be disappointed.  In fact, to all my fellow Yoga Tune Up® teachers, thank you for your knowledge and inspiration.  Read their blogs.  You won’t be disappointed.

I’m off to hokey pokey.



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