There are a few cues floating around in yoga classrooms everywhere that, due to their complete lack of clarity, cause a great deal of confusion. Chief among them is: ā€œfree your heart.” Its cousins are ā€œlift your heartā€ and ā€œopen your heart.ā€ Hmmm, well I donā€™t know about you, but my heart is pretty happy tucked away exactly where it belongs inside of my chest wall. I donā€™t want that sucker going anywhere! ā€œSure, sure Brooke. But you know what they mean! They mean…ā€ and hereā€™s where it gets confusing.

I think this cue is intended as an ā€œopen the chestā€ cue. But what for? Are our actual sternums sinking into our back body and giving us all a freakish hunchback Quasimodo style? Because in my many years as a RolfingĀ® practitioner Iā€™ve only really seen that condition a couple of times in people who have the form of scoliosis that creates kyphosis, or a bending forward of the spine, rather than a true scoliosis which is a side to side deformity of spinal curvature. In other words, itā€™s pretty rare. And itā€™s not that this rare condition is simply the extreme version, and the rest of us are walking around with a more minor version of the same thing. In fact, after 12 years in practice and the thousands of RolfingĀ® sessions Iā€™ve given in that time, I can say unequivocally that if thereā€™ s a trend about what weā€™re up to with our mid-thoracic spines, itā€™s that weā€™re flattening rather than rounding them.

So why do we all feel like we need to ā€œopen our heartsā€? Because if thereā€™s another trend I can call out, itā€™s that we want those oh so compelling open and lifted ā€œheartsā€! We want them like crazy! Ā I think what weā€™re really yearning for when we strive for more ā€œopen heartsā€ is actually appropriate shoulder position.

Since we live in a culture where we are constantly in internal rotation of the shoulders (but only 98% of the time…) due to typing at keyboards and grabbing onto steering wheels, we wind up with short pec minor muscles which pull our scapula, and therefore our whole shoulder girdle, out of alignment and drag it towards our front body. In order to combat this feeling that our shoulders are encroaching on the heartā€™s turf, and giving us slumped posture, people usually effort to retract their scapula, pulling them back and pinning them close to the spine. This often has the side effect of dragging the mid thoracic spine forward. The trouble with this, besides the obvious distortion to normal spinal curvature and therefore support, is that itā€™s a heck of a lot of work!

If you look at a skeleton, you will see that the shoulder is designed to hang. It is the glorious bony architecture of the clavicle into the scapula that allows for this ā€œhangā€ to happen. And when it hangs in place, as one would find on the conveniently muscle-free plastic skeleton, youā€™ll notice, hmmm, what a nice open chest they have there! Ā Without shoving the chest forward as if performing the musical number ā€œWe Must Increase Our Bustā€ from Grease, the sternum just sits there happily with the clavicle above it and the scapula behind it, doing their shoulder girdle thing.

What I am proposing is that whatā€™s needed is just a little excavation of chronically shortened pectoralis minor, and a whole lot less efforting in the direction of ā€œpinningā€ our shoulders on our backs. Try this pose to lengthen that persnickety pec minor, and to, ahem, ā€œopen your heartsā€!

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