The Roll Model® Method is a soft-tissue conditioning, self-care fitness format that uses the various Roll Model® Therapy Balls for self-myofascial release (self-massage). Through the use of specific techniques, movements and ball placements, the Therapy Balls provide targeted self-massage trigger point therapy to help improve mobility, increase range of motion and enhance circulation.

Yoga Tune Up® is a fitness therapy format focused on building healthy movement patterns that help eradicate pain, improve posture and enhance performance. Through a unique blend of yoga, corrective exercise, self-massage, and breath strategies, a YTU practice will improve proprioception (body sense), interoception (physiological listening) and motor control (physical performance).

Body by Breath® is a self-care format that teaches you how to activate your diaphragm, core muscles, fascia, vagus nerve, and brain to assist in stress reduction. Through the use of specific breath and rolling (self-myofascial massage) techniques, you will learn down-regulation strategies to improve physical and emotional resilience.