The time has come…to tune up your life! Eradicate pain, improve your posture, and enhance your performance with The 10 Days of Yoga Tune Up®. Follow along on social media for the next 10 days, and give these techniques a try.

Day 1Wake Up with Yoga Tune Up®

Refresh your morning routine by adding in some quick-fix moves. If you can make time to brush your teeth, you can surely fit in a quick fix. Just 5 minutes of rolling in the morning can make a difference. YTU Teacher Max Bayuk will give you some guidance on where to start.

Day 2Strengthen and Stretch with Sidewinder

The Yoga Tune Up® Sidewinder Minivini accomplishes both strengthening and stretching goals in one fell swoop – check it out! In addition, if integrating quadratus lumborum (QL) stabilization with core and upper body strength is the goal, explore variations of rotational movement in Vastistasana (Side Plank). To massage the QL use the YTU Alpha Ball – its broader surface offers the perfect distribution of pressure to target and address the unique QL tissue size and shape.

Rollax and get Coregeous
Rollax and get Coregeous

Day 3Hip Flexor Stretch

If you sit a lot, shortness in the front of the hip can be hard to avoid – but see what happens if you add in this hip stretch to your daily routine (or even better, get up a few times during the day to stretch it out and keep your hips supple and mobile!).

Day 4 –  Integrate YTU Therapy Balls into Your Daily Routine

Even if you can’t spare a big chunk of time every day, you can still fit in soft-tissue self-care if you’re  strategic. “How?” you may be wondering. Well, simply by integrating self-massage into your daily routine with a few self-care multi-tasking hacks.

Day 5- Integrate Yoga Tune Up Stretches into Your Daily Routine

One of the main ways to reduce pain, improve posture, and enhance performance is to restore muscles to their naturally relaxed state, which means lengthening (stretching) them just beyond their natural length, so that they can ultimately rest at their natural length, where they can be relaxed. Learn about the benefits of incorporating self-massage AND stretching.

Day 6- Foot & Ankle Pain Relief

25% of your body’s bones are located in the feet and ankles! Misalignment in your feet can lead to overuse and underuse issues throughout the lower legs, knees, and all the way up into your hips and back which in turn can throw off your posture and lead to much more serious problems. This Yoga Tune Up® 5 minute Quickfix will help strengthen the side stabilizers of your feet and ankles, while helping to create suppleness in your footfall.



You knead to take your balls to the wall
Sometimes you knead to take your balls to the wall

Day 7- From Stress to Rest in 3 Minutes or Less!

Did you know that your breath can help you shift your stress in as little as 3 minutes? Starting today, it is time to realize the potential of oxygen! By doing so, you can begin soothing your nervous system, eliminating stress, boost your brain power and improve the energy in every system of your body. It only takes a few minutes of abdominal breathing to have more resilience, power and enhanced recovery time. Learn how to shift your stress in just 3 minutes.

Day 8- Target Your Soleus Muscle for a Better Squat

A healthy, full squat requires a good amount of dorsiflexion at the ankle joint. Inflexible calf muscles limit your ability to dorsiflex and therefore have a negative impact on your ability to squat well. We could all improve our squat somewhat and calf-stretching is a wonderful practice for us to integrate into our movement routine. The majority of calf stretches target only the most superficial of our calf muscles – the gastrocnemius. While it’s great to stretch this muscle, if our goal is to squat better, you need to target the deeper calf muscle – the soleus.

To target the soleus, dorsiflex the ankle and flex the knee. Here are two Yoga Tune Up® poses which have the potential to stretch this all-important muscle.

Day 9- Essential YTU Stretches for Your Workday

Put your back on your back with the help of some therapy balls.
Put your back on your back with the help of some therapy balls.

Do you spend a lot of time sitting at a computer during the day? If so, you may often feel the consequences in your hands and wrists, neck, and lower back. Try these moves at the workplace to relieve pain in some of these target areas.

Day 10- Clear Your Mind

Top performers know that mindset is key to achieving their goals. They also know they need to clear their heads to have the right mental space for their pursuits. Here are two body releases and one self-care technique from Jill Miller, which are designed to help you keep your head on straight through the busyness of life.

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