Dawn Williams

Dawn Williams

Email: littlesandy@mac.com

Location: Auberry, CA, US

A Little About Me

Yoga has been a part of my life since I was a teenager in the late 1960's. It has always been a place within myself where I find peace and a sense of why I am here on this earth.

In 2015 I vacationed in Bali and immersed myself in Yoga Pranala, a deeply spiritual mixture of Balinese healing and Vinyasa style yoga. I returned to Bali in 2016 and 2017 to become a RYT®500 Yoga instructor. My classes focus on breath to quiet the mind, and body alignment to gain strength and flexibility without injury. Many people do not have a firm grasp of body awareness. They struggle to achieve poses that their bodies may or may not achieve because of their structural limitations.

 Yoga Tune Up® training has deepened my understanding of anatomy and body mechanics to enable me to bring body awareness to my students and c to teach people how to feel their body and where their body is in space. This helps them understand the vehicle they inhabit, it’s strengths and it’s limitations. 

This year I celebrate 50 years of practicing yoga. My role as a teacher is to pass on the knowledge I have gained through these years; the balance yoga has brought to my life, the body awareness, the internal peace. Our bodies are amazing vehicles for our spirit. Learning how to care for them through time is my inspiration.

Tune Up Fitness Continuing Education

  • Yoga Tune Up Teacher Certification
  • Hips Immersion
  • Body by Breath Immersion
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