TuneUpFitness Blog

Meet the Teacher Trainer: Dawn Adams

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IMG_2049Meet Dawn Adams, a member of our teaching team who leads weekly Beginning/Intermediate Yoga classes, Yoga Tune Up® classes and weekend workshops on a variety of topics in the Bay Area.

How did you discover Yoga Tune Up® and why did you decide to become a teacher?

I discovered YTU  in 2011 when I was researching low back pain relief. I wanted to find a way to more effectively help my students who suffered from this condition. My search led me to Jill’s QuickFix Rx videos, which I found absolutely brilliant. I took the first training I could (The Roll Model® Method: The Science of Rolling) and fell in love. Since 2011, I have taken every YTU training and immersion that I could (some of them twice), which has completely changed the way that I teach.

What advice would you give a new student just starting a YTU practice?

It may sound trite, but to really take to heart that every pose is an assessment pose. YTU is not necessarily about doing everything “right”; it’s more about your journey of self-discovery so that you can design your own personal practice. Ultimately you want to address your particular issues to help you regain flexibility, strength, and awareness, not just on the mat, but also in daily life.

Dawn helps students map their sacrums while leading a TRM: The Science of Rolling training.
Dawn helps students map their sacrums while leading a TRM: The Science of Rolling training.

The Yoga Tune Up motto is “Live better in your body”. What does that mean to you?

First of all, I believe that we all need to first be in the bodies that we have, and the YTU approach helps us to identify our unique strengths and our personal blind spots rather than emphasizing the achievement of a classical asana shape. Only by knowing what our issues are, can we begin to resolve them, so that we start to undo years of compensation patterns. Second, the YTU focus on self-care has empowered me to be my own health care provider — I have the tools and body knowledge that I need to be able to soothe almost all of my aches and pains, and then I can share those discoveries with my classes and help them toward being more at ease in their bodies.

If you could only choose one YTU movement or therapy ball technique to take with you on a desert island, what would it be? 

That is a nearly impossible question to answer, because there is so much variety in the YTU repertoire. For a static pose, Leg Stretch #3; for a dynamic pose, Half Happy Baby Minivini; for a therapy ball technique, Coregeous ball abdominal massage or the ALPHA ball infraspinatus massage.

Here’s a video of Jill demonstrating the Half Happy Baby Minivini

More information on Dawn Adams and her teaching schedule can be found here.

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