Ariana Rabinovitch

After 20 years of practicing yoga Ariana has come to believe that body-consciousness leads to self-healing and self-transformation. Ariana teaches a therapeutic style of yoga and often incorporates non-traditional yoga postures and exercises in order to strive for a balance between strength and flexibility. She brings her extensive knowledge of Anatomy and Kinesiology to the forefront of her teaching. She began with an Iyengar yoga program at Columbia University and since then has learned from a wide array of incredible teachers (including Jill Miller!) in order to get a well-rounded and diverse understanding of Yoga.

Additional Articles by Ariana Rabinovitch

Friday, January 10th, 2014
Category: Core, Hips, Videos

Wednesday, January 8th, 2014
Category: Hips

Wednesday, August 7th, 2013
Category: Hips, Hips & Glutes