“To bend like a reed in the wind — that is real strength.” – Lao Tzu

All athletes and movement artists know the importance of the spine as the central axis for human movement. And even if we’re not athletes by occupation or hobby, daily life for us all demands much of the spine’s strength, flexibility, and mobility. We find ourselves relying on its health and happiness 24/7, and when the spine is injured, acutely or chronically, we’re inevitably quite unhappy (you know the truth of this if you’ve ever had a soft tissue back complication) and find our mobility, our very freedom put at risk.

Though small, the intertransversarii muscles play an important role in spine health.

There are many muscle groups that support spinal function and health. The big ones, like the Erector spine group, often get all the attention; but there are many smaller muscles that equally need our notice as well, one group being the Intertransversarii.

We find the small Intertransversarii muscles deep in the tissue formations along the spine, spanning between the transverse processes (boney wings) of the vertebrae. Though they run the length of the spine, the Intertransversarii are most well developed in the cervical spine (neck) as a set each, posteriorly and anteriorly; and then with a secondary presence as two sets (Intertransversarii medialis and lateralis) in the lumbar spine (low back). Varying evidence suggests multiple potential functions for these muscle groups, first as subordinate supporters of extension and lateral flexion of the spinal column. And second, and perhaps more importantly, they are believed to be vertebral position locators, facilitating proprioception in the spine. Either way, their placement so close to the vertebral column makes them of superior importance to spinal health.

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