TuneUpFitness Blog

Get Off the Cuff

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Yoga teachers often take advantage of the opportunity to craft “theme” classes; better yet, sometimes we get to take someone else’s “theme” class. One such class I went to recently as a student was an “agni” sequence intended to stoke our inner fires to last the winter solstice.

It would have been a lovely class of 9 rounds of 12 pushups, with crows, eagles, cranes and chaturangas in between except for one thing: the instructor did absolutely nothing to prepare our shoulders. Naturally, having just graduated from Jill’s YTU Level 1 training, I was shocked and awed, and not in a good way. Moreover, I was scared for my fellow students in the room, not to mention myself. Judging from all of the winging scapulae in front of me, I was looking at about a hundred-and-something rotator cuff injuries waiting to happen. In fact, I am recovering from my own (non-yoga-related).

If there’s one thing we know from YTU it’s that not all poses are appropriate for all people. And even if the poses are appropriate, they require an appropriate warm-up. Arm-balances in particular need a careful, well-planned and complete warmup to strengthen the serratus anterior so the shoulder joint and the muscles of the rotator cuff don’t take the brunt of a student’s body weight and risk getting injured.

I have found it especially important to begin my arm balance warm ups with an upper body YTU ball sequence because it has helped me identify all of my rotator cuff muscles by feel.  Aside from the physical benefits of stimulating circulation in the area, the ball work has gotten me very well-acquainted with my supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor & subscapularis. Yes, we’re on a first-name basis. By working through the YTU Therapy Ball Rotator Cuff sequence, not only are my shoulders healing, but I am so acutely tuned in to what is happening in the muscles when I am in a pose that I can tell which muscle needs to be turned on or what is overcompensating for another muscle’s weakness.

While I had never considered ‘warm ups’ particularly effective for strength-building and definition, I must say that the Shoulder Shape Up series and a few other exercises like Plank with Serratus and Yogi Pushups have not only strengthened my surrounding shoulders muscles (serratus anterior in particular), but they’ve tone my upper body better than any amount of time in the gym. No more flabby triceps  “parade wave” or arm-balance-induced shoulder pain? SWEET. And then there’s what one of my clients calls the “pure bliss” of Holy Cow at the Trough.

Long Head of the Tricep pose (below, and also on the 10 Minute QuickFix for Shoulders video) is great for crafting strength and flexibility in my shoulder joint (while also taking care of the “parade wave”!).

Discover our shoulder exercises and shoulder pain solutions.

Watch our free 5 minute shoulder pain relief video.

Read our post about “How to get Olympic Inspired Shoulders.”

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